Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse
Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
Show personalized ads, depending on your settings
If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.
Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit at any time.
Московская биржа возобновит торги акциями «Полиметалла» завтра, 19 сентября. С 29 июля площадка приостановила торги бумагами компании в связи с ее редомициляцией в Казахстан. О возобновлении торгов сообщается на сайте биржи.
«Polymetal International завершил редомициляцию в Международный финансовый центр «Астана» (МФЦА) в Казахстане, при этом учет ценных бумаг депонентов на счетах Национального расчетного депозитария (НРД) в иностранных учетных институтах на текущий момент остается без изменений и предполагает невозможность внешних переводов, получения выплат или участия в корпоративных событиях», — подчеркнули на Мосбирже.
С начала 2023 года акции «Полиметалла» на Мосбирже выросли почти на 50%. По состоянию на 25 июля, когда был последний день торгов бумагами компании в режиме основных торгов, котировки находились на отметке ₽556,4 за акцию, свидетельствуют данные торгов.
10 июля «Полиметалл» подтвердил планы по смене регистрации с острова Джерси на Международный финансовый центр «Астана» (МФЦА) в Казахстане. По окончании редомициляции основной листинг «Полиметалла» переместился на биржу МФЦА — Astana International Exchange (AIX). Компания также сохранит листинг в Москве, но в то же время акционеры одобрили делистинг с Лондонской фондовой биржи (LSE).
Ранее аналитики БКС указывали, что редомициляция является определяющим фактором для дальнейшей динамики котировок «Полиметалла». Они допустили, что получение первичного листинга в МФЦА и корпоративная реорганизация могут сделать дивиденды реальным фактором для акционеров на Мосбирже с начала 2024 года.
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Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services
If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to
Develop and improve new services
Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads
Show personalized content, depending on your settings
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В Екатеринбурге выставили на продажу партию советских ЗиЛ-131, в свое время закупленных для Росрезерва. За шестиколесные грузовики в кузовах мобильных мастерских (МРИВ) и пробегом не более 1000 км продавец просит 700 тыс. рублей.
Судя по фотографиям в объявлении, машины неплохо сохранились, но годы простоя все же дают о себе знать поверхностной ржавчиной, выгоревшей краской и устаревшим оборудованием. Купить их можно и по частям: только шасси с кабиной стоит 300 тыс. рублей, а кунги-мастерские – 400 тыс. рублей.
Шасси у таких ЗиЛов традиционное: с жестко подключаемым передним мостом и понижающей передачей. Под капотом стоит 6,0-литровый бензиновый «атмосферник» V8 ЗиЛ-508.10 карбюраторного типа, выдающий 150 л.с. и 402 Нм крутящего момента.
Ранее «Автоновости дня» писали о том, что в Москве выставили на продажу редкий советский лимузин ГАЗ-14 «Чайка» 1984 года выпуска. Продавец оценил его примерно во столько же, сколько сегодня стоит самая дорогая LADA Vesta — 1 490 000 рублей.
«Одна из моделей будет взята из каталога Dongfeng, вторая — из арсенала Chery», — пишет самарский портал, не уточняя, какие именно это будут машины.
Пресс-служба «АвтоВАЗа» на запрос издания отказалась комментировать новости по указанной теме.
Информация о союзе Lada и Dongfeng появилась в конце августа.
«Вопрос производств автомобиля — это текущий проект, он еще не запущен. Мы находимся в стадии переговоров, но мы можем помочь только с производством автомобиля Lada, а не автомобилей под брендом Dongfeng», — сказал тогда представитель китайской компании.
Информация о сотрудничестве с Chery появилась ещё раньше. В июле стало известно, что «АвтоВАЗ» ведет переговоры о постановке на конвейер «Лада Санкт-Петербург» двух моделей под своим брендом: Tiggo 7 Pro и Tiggo 8. Пока завод выпускает Lada X-Cross 5 — перелицованного «китайца» FAW T77. Продажи этой модели стартуют до конца года, сообщили «РГ» на «АвтоВАЗе».
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По итогам первого полугодия 2023 года ушедшему из России испанскому ретейлеру одежды Inditex удалось резко нарастить чистую прибыль — на 40 процентов, следует из отчетности компании.
Результаты превысили прогнозы аналитиков. Рынок ожидал, что прибыль владельца брендов Zara, Bershka и Massimo Dutti составит 2,38 миллиарда евро (2,56 миллиарда долларов), но в действительности показатель достиг 2,69 миллиарда долларов.
Продажи Inditex выросли на 13,5 процента, до 16,9 миллиарда евро (18,16 миллиарда долларов). За шесть месяцев компания начала работу на 20 новых для нее рынках, однако общее число магазинов ее сетей в мире сократилось с 5801 до 5745.
Наибольшая доля продаж пришлась на бренд Zara. «Дочка» испанского ретейлера нарастила выручку на 13,1 процента, до 12,4 миллиарда евро (13,32 процента). Продажи Massimo Dutti выросли на 16,8 процента, до 842 миллионов евро (904,6 миллиона долларов), Bershka — на 12,3 процента, до 1,2 миллиарда евро (1,29 миллиарда долларов).
Inditex, в состав которой также входят массмаркетовые бренды Pull&Bear, Oysho и другие марки, приостановила работу всех магазинов и онлайн-платформ в России 5 марта прошлого года. До этого в стране действовали 502 магазина группы. Доля российского рынка достигала около 8,5 процента от мировой прибыли Inditex.
Москва. 13 сентября. INTERFAX.RU - VEON и покупатель его российского актива, принадлежащая локальному топ-менеджменту во главе с Александром Торбаховым компания, согласовали уточнения к соглашению о сделке по приобретению "Вымпелкома".
Эти уточнения касаются расчетов между сторонами (сделка оплачивается посредством передачи на баланс структуры VEON евробондов холдинга, приобретенных "Вымпелкомом" у российских инвесторов), сообщает VEON.
Группа рассчитывает завершить все формальности, необходимые для закрытия сделки, до даты погашения выпуска евробондов VEON Holdings, приходящейся на 13 октября.
Компания отмечает, что получила разрешение регуляторов, в том числе американского, на перевод на баланс структуры VEON примерно 95% выкупленных еврооблигаций, которые будут переданы непосредственно перед закрытием сделки. Оставшиеся еврооблигации будут переданы после получения соответствующих разрешений, это может произойти уже после завершения сделки, говорится в релизе. Если раньше VEON сообщал, что сделка будет оплачена "главным образом" путем перевода долга, теперь же уточняется, что целиком.
Также VEON в среду заявил о намерении 27 сентября досрочно погасить два выпуска долларовых еврооблигаций - это находящиеся в обращении долговые бумаги с погашением в декабре 2023 года и в июне 2024 года.
Погашение будет производиться по номиналу, также держателям будет выплачен накопленный купонный доход. Кроме того, владельцы евробондов-2023 получат премию в размере 2%, она была предложена компанией держателям при согласовании продления сроков обращения этого выпуска.
Эмитент намерен завершить все формальные процедуры, связанные с делистингом евробондов обоих выпусков с биржи Люксембурга, в максимально короткие сроки сразу после погашения, говорится в сообщении.
VEON сейчас не может доводить любые выплаты по евробондам до держателей, чьи права учитываются в российской инфраструктуре, поскольку международные клиринговые системы блокируют такие переводы в адрес НРД на фоне многочисленных санкций, введенных против России.
Решение вопроса с выплатами российским держателям евробондов VEON стало условием согласования властями анонсированной в ноябре прошлого года сделки по продаже холдингом его российской "дочки", "Вымпелкома", местному менеджменту. VEON заключил соглашение о продаже "Вымпелкома", первоначально обозначив в качестве дедлайна по сделке 1 июня 2023 года.
В феврале-марте "Алор брокер" публично предложил держателям всех выпусков еврооблигаций VEON Holdings B.V., права на которые учитываются российскими депозитариями и в российской инфраструктуре, выкупить эти долговые бумаги или обменять их на новые рублевые бонды "Вымпелкома". Брокер предоставил инвесторам на выбор два варианта. Первый предполагал приобретение евробондов по цене 100% от номинальной стоимости (плюс НКД) с одновременным выкупом продавцом на всю сумму этой сделки, включая НКД, по 100% номинала новых биржевых облигаций "Вымпелкома". Второй вариант предусматривал выкуп евробондов по цене ниже номинала (плюс НКД), приобретать новые бонды "Вымпелкома" в данном случае инвестору было не нужно, при этом цена выкупа варьировалась от 79,6% до 92,8% номинала в зависимости от выпуска.
"Вымпелком" в отчетности, опубликованной в конце августа, сообщал, что на 30 июня осуществил выкуп еврооблигаций VEON Holdings B.V. общей номинальной стоимостью $1,26 млрд и 25,2 млрд рублей. С 1 июля по дату выпуска отчета были выкуплены еврооблигации еще на $88,2 млн.
В августе "Алор брокер" повторно предложил держателям всех восьми выпусков еврооблигаций VEON Holdings B.V., права на которые учитываются российскими депозитариями, выкупить эти долговые бумаги или обменять их на новые биржевые облигации "Вымпелкома" на тех же условиях, что и ранее.
Владельцам евробондов, желающим обсудить потенциальное приобретение, предлагалось обратиться к брокеру до 5 сентября.
В феврале глава Минцифры Максут Шадаев говорил, что правкомиссия по иностранным инвестициям одобрила сделку при условии, что "Вымпелком" выкупит не менее 90% еврооблигаций VEON у российских инвесторов.
Российские держатели евробондов VEON, пока холдинг согласовывал с властями судьбу своего ключевого актива, подали целую серию исков в арбитражные суды. Требования к российскому "Вымпелкому", в частности, предъявили УК "Лидер", "Трансфингруп" (ТФГ), УК "Первая", "Росгосстрах жизнь", "ААА Управление капиталом". Один из истцов, УК "Первая", в середине апреля отозвала свои требования к компании, пояснив, что все еврооблигации, находившиеся у нее в доверительном управлении, были выкуплены.
В июле суд отклонил иски "Лидера" и "Трансфингрупп", оба они рассматривались в закрытом режиме (по просьбе "Вымпелкома", ссылавшегося на то, что истцы представили выписку из протокола заседания подкомиссии правительственной комиссии по контролю за осуществлением иностранных инвестиций в России), поэтому в картотеке дел отражены только решения, без изложения аргументации суда. "Лидер" одним из первых подал к "Вымпелкому" иск в связи с обслуживанием евробондов VEON - в начале минувшего сентября, ТФГ пошла в суд спустя почти три месяца. При этом на момент отклонения иска судом требования "Лидера" к "Вымпелкому" резко снизились, с 1,757 млрд рублей до 179,7 млн рублей. Размер исковых требований ТФГ к "Вымпелкому" был скромнее - около 127 млн рублей.
В августе и "Лидер", и ТФГ подали апелляции на решения по их искам.
Предложенные условия обмена и выкупа евробондов VEON устроили не всех держателей. Так, страховая компания "СОГАЗ", чья структура "СОГАЗ-Жизнь" владеет евробондами двух выпусков VEON, сочла, что выкуп еврооблигаций проводился "Вымпелкомом" на нерыночных условиях, а действия эмитента являлись "очевидной дискриминацией прав российских инвесторов, обосновываемой вольной трактовкой решений государственных органов". Как рассказывали источники "Интерфакса", соответствующее письмо с предложением разработать меры по обеспечению прав держателей еврооблигаций было направлено компанией в Минэкономразвития. В министерстве тогда сообщили, что видели письмо "СОГАЗа", но отметили, что вопросы, связанные с деятельностью правительственной комиссии по контролю за осуществлением иностранных инвестиций, относятся к компетенции Минфина, на базе которого она функционирует. Минфин эту ситуацию публично не комментировал.